Summer Camp Details

Python Coding Camp (Online)

Python Coding Camp (Online)

Summer Camp Details [2 Weeks (Mon - Fri)]

  • Discover the amazing world of coding with Python in this exciting summer camp.
  • Our experienced and engaging instructors will guide you through the process of learning Python the most popular programming language in the world.
  • With a maximum class size of not more than 7 students, you'll have personalized attention and support from the instructors for your success and enjoyment.
  • Elevate your skills with hands-on experience through multiple assignments and 2 challenging capstone projects.
  • As a part of our summer camp, you'll have the opportunity to become a member of the prestigious Robo Genius program.

20+ Hours of Online Learning

This summer camp spans over 20 hours of in-person learning ONLINE, and is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the subject. As an added bonus, students will also have access to digital content on the Roboprenr platform, which will enable them to continue their learning journey beyond the classroom. The platform includes a wealth of resources, such as course materials, numerous assignments, quizzes, and other activities, that students can use to reinforce their understanding and achieve self-mastery of the topics covered in the camp.

Online Camp Guideline

Join our online camp from the comfort of your own home, with specific guidelines in place for maximum benefits to students. Non-compliance may result in removal from the summer camp:


Certificate will be issued after the completion of course and submission of the capstone project video by the student.

Here are the guidelines for effective online classes:

  • Ensure that your camera and microphone are in working condition and turned on during the class.
  • Make sure your face is clearly visible on camera.
  • Use a laptop or desktop computer to attend the classes. Joining the class using phone of tablet is not permitted for Python Programming online summer camp.
  • Stay focused and participate fully in the class.
  • Do not run any other programs, games, or YouTube during the class.
  • Take the classes in a closed room with no distractions or noise that may disturb you or other participants.
  • Take the class alone with no one else present in the room.
  • Avoid missing any class unless it is absolutely unavoidable.
  • Complete all assignments and projects on time.

PS: Not following the guidelines may lead to disqualification from the classes.

Curricumlum is designed to get students proficient in Python programming with all the fundamental programming constructs. Students will learn and practice in a professional software development environment using the best software engineering practices.

Day 1 - Introduction to Python Programming

Day 2 - Basic Programs to swap numbers, simple calculator, print, read user input

Day 3 - Variables, Statements & Blocks, Flow of Control - If-elif-else statements

Day 4 - Data types, Integers, Float, Strings, Boolean, None type, Collection Basics, Operators

Day 5 - Flow of Control - While Loop

Day 6 - Flow of Control - For Loop

Day 7 - Functions, File I/O, Project 1 Kickoff - Building Banking Application

Day 8 - List, Tuple, Dictionary, Set, Strings Opertions

Day 9 - Game Development - Build Catch The Block game, Project 2 Kickoff - Build Game of your choice

Day 10 - Project Building - 1. Banking Application, 2. Game Development - Space Invasion

Camp Price

21900 13500

Summer Camp Offer!

Durations: 2 Week Total Hours: 20+ Batch Size: Max 5 Age Group: 13-18 Years Skill Level: Beginner

Choose Location, Date and Time for Camp

Price: 13500 Book Now